Christmas Miracles
Sometimes the preaching that we hear makes the Christian life, and especially full-time Christian service sound like the most carefree, easiest life on the globe. Since we arrived in Peru, we´ve had a few difficulties, as one may expect. As we were preparing to go into the jungle, we discovered that two different denominational leaders had tried to persuade the tribe not to let us enter. As you already know, however, the Lord blessed in marvelous ways on that trip, and His name was and is lifted up in that tribe as never before. Coming back from the tribe, we went to Lima, hoping to obtain our housegoods which we had sent in a shipping container from the states. We were told several conflicting stories, until the truth finally came out: our container had been sent to Chile because a repair was needed on the boat. We´ve now been in Peru for nearly 5 months, and we have yet to see a few of the larger (read: more desired by the port officials) items. Also since arriving, we have had two miscarriages, and found out that Buddy's dad had cancer, and Loren's mom had a minor heart-attack (are they ever really minor?). Both Buddy's family, and Loren's mom had been planning to come visit, but because of the health problems, they were unable to come. Buddy's family had been saving to bring the whole family down for Christmas, but since they could not come because of treatments, they offered to bring us back for Greenville for two weeks. We prayed about it, and the Lord showed us that He would have us return in order to see family, be an encouragement, get a little rest, and report to our church (As well as eat some wonderful food not available in Peru =).
As we were preparing to return to Greenville for a much sooner than expected visit, we had a very, very interesting call from Buddy's family. It turns out that both of his parents had been reading James 5, and were impressed by the Lord to approach the elders of the church asking that they pray over Buddy's dad and anoint him with oil according to James 5, so that is exactly what they did. From that time until now, all of the symptoms of the cancer have disappeared, and Mr. Fitzgerald seems to be doing great.
Perhaps we do not hear today about the Creator and Master-Physician healing people for several reasons. Maybe some do not want to be seen as having ¨Pentecostal tendencies¨. Perhaps others feel that it is a private thing. Yet others may have the fear that if the cancer or malady returns, they will be looked upon as foolish for proclaiming themselves healed when it was apparently a ¨figment of their imagination¨. Personally, I believe that whenever our God does amazing miracles (which is actually every day!) we need to praise Him, exalt Him, and make our boast in the Cross of Christ through which we receive a multitude of undeserved benefits on a moment by moment basis. 
Another miracle also occurred during this Christmas season, however it started long ago. Many, many years ago, a young widow named Beliza in San Jose, Costa Rica accepted Christ as her Savior. She faithfully prayed for her children and brought them to church, but the youngest boy, Juan Jose, did not show much interest. He made several professions of faith, but did not show a lot of fruit. She began to pray especially for Him, but he continued going his own way. He eventually moved to New York City to make a name for himself, and to make as much money as possible. He was an engineer, and was doing well when he married a beautiful young lady also from Costa Rica named Lorena. They dressed imaculately, and enjoyed all that comes with wealth. Almost right away, the children started coming. In their early months of marriage, Beliza came for a visit, and encouraged them to find a church in their area. They found the First Baptist Spanish Church of Brooklyn in the yellow pages, and began attending there. Lorena was baptized while pregnant with their third daughter, however the family's relationship with the Lord apparently did not extend beyond the doors of the church, as the young couple continued their self-centered lifestyle. Not long after the fourth daughter was born the struggles became too much, and Juan Jose and Lorena were divorced. After many years away from church and away from the Lord, the third daughter was saved, and eventually all four daughters and Lorena had been miraculously saved by the grace of God. They prayed fervently for the father, Juan Jose to be saved, but he did not realize his true condition. He continued to look back to the professions of faith that he had made as a young boy in Costa Rica.
This Christmas, the third daughter, Loren Fitzgerald, called her father, Juan Jose to wish him a Merry Christmas, and see how he was doing. He related how he had been reading a book that Loren had given him called ¨Becoming A Christian¨, and had also begun attending church again. He was overjoyed to recount that the Sunday before Christmas he finally understood for the first time why Jesus Christ had to come to earth specifically for his sake! All of those years he had lived a self-sufficient life apart from God, but God finally showed him that Juan Jose was not good enough, or acceptable in the sight of God!
This Christmas, the third daughter, Loren Fitzgerald, called her father, Juan Jose to wish him a Merry Christmas, and see how he was doing. He related how he had been reading a book that Loren had given him called ¨Becoming A Christian¨, and had also begun attending church again. He was overjoyed to recount that the Sunday before Christmas he finally understood for the first time why Jesus Christ had to come to earth specifically for his sake! All of those years he had lived a self-sufficient life apart from God, but God finally showed him that Juan Jose was not good enough, or acceptable in the sight of God!
Despite the difficult things that have happened, the things that God has done in us, through us, and for us remind us that we are privileged beyond measure to be serving the Lord, and we cannot imagine a better, more rewarding life than the one that our gracious Father has given us.
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