First friends to visit
First thing on the agenda: breakfast in a little cafe with Jeremy and Holly.

Our Friends, Jeremy and Holly Nelson, were our first friends to come to Peru to visit us! We were utterly thrilled, and extremely encouraged to have them with us for a few days.

They flew into the beautiful city of Cusco, and we were blessed to see a rainbow over the city while they were here.

Of course, rainbows also signify rain. (You may be able to tell that my coat is very wet, and Loren is shivering, although the shivering is hard to portray in pictures.)
While doing some touring of the Inca ruins on horseback, we encountered a drenching downpour.

We tried to do a quick roadside tour of some ruins, but Jeremy kept getting "bit" by the cacti.

We are actually standing on top of some ancient Inca ruins, and that is our truck way down below.
While they were here, we had to make sure they had some "cuy" or guinea pig. It was not exactly their favorite.
Jeremy helped me move a very heavy washing machine while they were here as well. We couldn't let them escape without a little bit of work.
Thanks again to the Nelsons for making the sacrifice to come visit us. We had a wonderful time!
Our Friends, Jeremy and Holly Nelson, were our first friends to come to Peru to visit us! We were utterly thrilled, and extremely encouraged to have them with us for a few days.
They flew into the beautiful city of Cusco, and we were blessed to see a rainbow over the city while they were here.
Of course, rainbows also signify rain. (You may be able to tell that my coat is very wet, and Loren is shivering, although the shivering is hard to portray in pictures.)
While doing some touring of the Inca ruins on horseback, we encountered a drenching downpour.
We tried to do a quick roadside tour of some ruins, but Jeremy kept getting "bit" by the cacti.
We are actually standing on top of some ancient Inca ruins, and that is our truck way down below.
While they were here, we had to make sure they had some "cuy" or guinea pig. It was not exactly their favorite.
Hey! Recognize the jacket. Have fun being tour guides!