December 08 prayer letter
The young man nervously stood in front of the small congregation, explaining that He had come to Bible college to train for the ministry, and that he believed that the Lord was sending them out into the harvest-fields. His pregnant wife looked on with affirmation, for the Lord had put on their hearts the growing burden to be involved in Church planting specifically in the jungle. Within a few weeks, two prospective Bible College graduates were expressing the same desires before the Church. God was clearly doing something amazing among the young people.
If you were forsaking all, leaving your family, friends, and everything known, to go minister the Word in a third-world country, what would your prayer life be like? What would you be asking God for? One of our most consistent and urgent prayer requests has been for co-laborers. As you know, our desire is to reach the unreached; to go where Christ is not named. We believe that the labor would be more effective as a team ministry. For these reasons, we are thrilled that Richard and Magdalena Leyva have already gone into the jungle town of Puerto Maldonado to get started in the ministry. Lord willing, within a few months EfraĆn Pari will also be headed toward the South-Eastern Peruvian jungle to contribute another aspect to the team that God is forming. There is still so much need, and we ask you to pray about whether God would have you come to be a part of the harvest.
In Peru, a church anniversary is a big deal. Just after my parents arrived, we traveled to a jungle town to preach the 38th anniversary of the first Baptist Church in Quillabamba. We were able to visit with some good friends(right). Also we saw one profession of faith, several lives rededicated and many other decisions.
During November, I got to travel to the Puerto Maldonado once again in order to meet Tim Chapman, Jeremy Frazer and Jeremy’s evangelistic team. We had a busy week as we passed out hundreds of tracts, distributed over 1,000 invitations, gave a concert and karate demonstration in the main plaza, preached in services, traveled by river, and visited one of the tribes with which we plan to work in the future.
Thank you for your prayers regarding the baby and pregnancy. Bernard Joseph Fitzgerald V was born November 2nd at 7:40 a.m. He weighed 6 lbs 6 ozs, and was 19 ½ inches long. For us this is a miraculous blessing because of the 4 miscarriages that we had prior to Joseph being born.
We were both privileged to teach Bible College classes once again during the month of October. What a joy to have an impact on the pastors and church-planters of tomorrow. At the end of October my sister arrived to help us with Joseph, learn Spanish, and grow in grace.
The presence of Pastor Jeff Musgrave, and his wife Anna, as well as Karlan Tucker, was a great blessing for us as they came to be with us, and to teach the Jesus Is The Answer Seminar at the Bible College. We were reminded and challenged about Evangelism and discipleship once again. As always, we’ve been seeking opportunities to witness and minister.
Finally, after enjoying Christmas with Buddy’s immediate family, packing all of our belongings, helping to direct the youth camp, and preparing to move to the jungle, we realized that we had to go to the capital in order to register Joseph as an American citizen. Praise the Lord that we were able to do all the paperwork, and get him registered. We were also able to get many things that are entirely unavailable. (Not the least of which was a lunch of Jumbo Shrimp)!
We are planning to apply for Joseph’s Peruvian passport, and then move to Puerto Maldonado, the largest city in the southern jungle of Peru. In Puerto Maldonado, we desire to strengthen the few believers who are meeting, and plant churches, as well as using the city as a jumping off point for the tribal ministry, which the Lord has called us to.
Please pray that the Lord would provide funds for purchasing land, and for building both a church building and a home.
For more information please visit our redesigned website.
If you were forsaking all, leaving your family, friends, and everything known, to go minister the Word in a third-world country, what would your prayer life be like? What would you be asking God for? One of our most consistent and urgent prayer requests has been for co-laborers. As you know, our desire is to reach the unreached; to go where Christ is not named. We believe that the labor would be more effective as a team ministry. For these reasons, we are thrilled that Richard and Magdalena Leyva have already gone into the jungle town of Puerto Maldonado to get started in the ministry. Lord willing, within a few months EfraĆn Pari will also be headed toward the South-Eastern Peruvian jungle to contribute another aspect to the team that God is forming. There is still so much need, and we ask you to pray about whether God would have you come to be a part of the harvest.
In Peru, a church anniversary is a big deal. Just after my parents arrived, we traveled to a jungle town to preach the 38th anniversary of the first Baptist Church in Quillabamba. We were able to visit with some good friends(right). Also we saw one profession of faith, several lives rededicated and many other decisions.
During November, I got to travel to the Puerto Maldonado once again in order to meet Tim Chapman, Jeremy Frazer and Jeremy’s evangelistic team. We had a busy week as we passed out hundreds of tracts, distributed over 1,000 invitations, gave a concert and karate demonstration in the main plaza, preached in services, traveled by river, and visited one of the tribes with which we plan to work in the future.
Thank you for your prayers regarding the baby and pregnancy. Bernard Joseph Fitzgerald V was born November 2nd at 7:40 a.m. He weighed 6 lbs 6 ozs, and was 19 ½ inches long. For us this is a miraculous blessing because of the 4 miscarriages that we had prior to Joseph being born.
We were both privileged to teach Bible College classes once again during the month of October. What a joy to have an impact on the pastors and church-planters of tomorrow. At the end of October my sister arrived to help us with Joseph, learn Spanish, and grow in grace.
The presence of Pastor Jeff Musgrave, and his wife Anna, as well as Karlan Tucker, was a great blessing for us as they came to be with us, and to teach the Jesus Is The Answer Seminar at the Bible College. We were reminded and challenged about Evangelism and discipleship once again. As always, we’ve been seeking opportunities to witness and minister.
Finally, after enjoying Christmas with Buddy’s immediate family, packing all of our belongings, helping to direct the youth camp, and preparing to move to the jungle, we realized that we had to go to the capital in order to register Joseph as an American citizen. Praise the Lord that we were able to do all the paperwork, and get him registered. We were also able to get many things that are entirely unavailable. (Not the least of which was a lunch of Jumbo Shrimp)!
We are planning to apply for Joseph’s Peruvian passport, and then move to Puerto Maldonado, the largest city in the southern jungle of Peru. In Puerto Maldonado, we desire to strengthen the few believers who are meeting, and plant churches, as well as using the city as a jumping off point for the tribal ministry, which the Lord has called us to.
Please pray that the Lord would provide funds for purchasing land, and for building both a church building and a home.
For more information please visit our redesigned website.
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