"Throw away the lumps and enjoy the Sweetness"

"Mom, help! What can I do?" she asked 

I was scurrying around, busy with other things, but I paused long enough to suggest, "Pour it through the colander to strain out the lumps, and it will be fine."
So just as she had often seen me drain water from a pot of boiled pasta, she set the colander in the kitchen sink  and poured the lumpy filling through the strainer--right down the drain. I found her standing by the sink with an odd look on her face, staring down into the colander, which held a small heap of still-steaming chocolate lumps and nothing else...I have made my own share of blunders in and out of the kitchen. I have even been known to pour life's sweetness down the drain and save the lumps. ( exert from The Monday Morning Club by Claudia Barba)

I shared this story with my kids and now on a regular basis when some one at home is focusing on the negatives we remind them to "throw away the lumps and enjoy the sweetness" 

Here's some "sweetness" from this year that has helped me see God's grace.

Gifts from my precious little ones on Mother's day

 13th year Anniversary to an amazing man

A week conference at one of my favorite places with my crazy baby sister. 

 Holding my precious little nephew "Kodi"

Having my mother visit for 10 days

The encouragement of transparency and vulnerability of friendship.

 The power of prayer

Our house still standing even after rainy season

An adorable little sister that has convinced her brother to play tea with her

The faithfulness of a praying, loving father

Inspiring, encouraging and equipping ladies in Puerto Maldonado to dig deep into God's word. 


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