3 gifts Accomplished and 3 gifts enjoying: The Joy Dare

When I read the gifts I was to be looking for I was excited to read  3 gifts accomplished.  I thought to myself..."Oh this one will be easy. I know how to get things done."  I began my day with thriving to display my "skills".

Tackling the market in the rain

Homeschooling on Saturday to get done before Christmas
(we are on the peruvian school schedule)


As most of you know, I get a rush in getting tasks done! 

But I am so thankful for how my gracious Father is opening up my eyes and changing my perspective.

Busy is a choice, Stress is a choice, Joy is a choice
Choose Well
Ann Voskamp

So I decided to focus on my 3 gifts enjoying...

Enjoying the gift of imagination...

Enjoying the gift of the Holy Spirit transforming lives...

Enjoying the gift of silly girls and their desire to know God
There is one hiding under the counter

Can't wait to hear from you!


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