3 gifts in Christ: The Joy Dare

1. In Christ I am greatly blessed...
My sleep, my rising up each day, the ability to see, to breathe, to laugh, to cry is a gift given by God through Christ because all things were created through him and for him. In Christ I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.

2. In Christ I am highly favored...
He chose me with all my stubborn, defiant, rebellious sin. He spared not his own Son so that I  can have free access to the holy of holies. I can draw near  with a true heart in full assurance of  faith because I am highly favored in Christ.

3. In Christ I am deeply loved...
 I love Him because He loved me first. He paid the ultimate price to show me His love...
why do I doubt it?

There is never any need to pretend that your life is filled with joy and confidence; just wait upon God and be grounded in Him . 
Oswald Chambers

Here is a link to the song


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