"How do I keep from burning out?" is what she asked...
"This morning I woke up overwhelmed, spent, and despairing. To be honest I was tired of everything. Tired of sickness, tired of trying, tired of pretending, tired of relationships and how complicated and messy they seem. I was drowning. I wanted to ugly cry." I can't even tell you when I wrote these words because I did not date the journal entry. Yet while reading them they again stirred an ache in my heart. People often ask "what's it like to be a missionary?" I still remember when a dear college friend came to visit me at the Miami hospital while my husband, my four month old baby, and I were admitted for dengue. She looked at me and told me that she envied my life. I remember how ironic those words seemed at the moment. We had just been med-evaced from Peru. My husband and I had hemorrhaging dengue, my little four month was so dehydrated they needed a sonogram machine to find a vein, and my two year was freaking out because he was given to people ...